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How to Create Insanely Good Content

How to Create Insanely Good Content

Good writing is nonnegotiable. Google knows the difference and so does your prospective client. It’s hard to be a thought leader if your content is riddled with bad grammar and misspelled words. From routine social posts to video scripts or a white paper. These all reflect your commitment to quality. We’ve dummied down, but there are still people who know the difference.

I’m a very good writer who understands all of the SEO content rules. My articles and blogs are in the spirit of information-sharing, intended to help people do their jobs. This is also best practices, the approach we all should be using, avoiding a sales pitch.

I’m using new software that helps me identify the exact keywords and phrases that people are competing for in search engines. I’m also:

  • Incorporating these keywords into my headlines and subheads.
  • Using H tags for these headings and making sure my focus keyword is used in my title and header.
  • Writing keyword-rich metadescriptions that are nice little sales pitches that show up on search-engine results pages (SERPs).

But to be writing insanely good content . . .

We need to be doing more than churning out well-written copy. We need to be:

  • Thinking about our audience and their Intent.
  • Increasing brand awareness and customer loyalty.
  • Generating leads and sales.
  • Improving click-through rates and lowering bounce rates.
  • Increasing overall web traffic through a strong overall presence in organic search results.

In short, we need to be showing that all of our great writing is doing its job.

Start by identifying your goal

Identify whom you’re trying to reach and create a strong call to action. What are you trying to sell, a product or service, and what’s the measure of success?

There’s a visual component to good writing

This one makes me crazy. Formatting has become such an important part of content delivery. Part of our jobs is to make content visually accessible so it’s easy to read, using subheads and bullet points where possible. Everybody’s in a hurry. Make your point in as few words as possible.

A positive content experience helps build trust, familiarity, and confidence. I believe that good marketing tells a story. I want to reach people on an emotional level. Somewhere there’s a connection. People remember when you share an example with which they can relate, a case study or something personal. As crazy as things are these days, we still want to form relationships and connect. This is what good writing is all about. It’s what building a business is all about and that hasn’t changed.

Do your research and back it up with data

Consumer trust is at an all-time low. Even if you’re providing a personal experience, try to provide data that will reinforce your assumptions.

Add your unique perspectives

Share a case study or other unique experience that showcases your expertise. When I check out someone’s website, I always look for case studies. These tell me a lot about the people whom I’m interested in. We’re looking for things like problem-solving, ability to meet challenges and work with a team.

Get creative

Use infographics, videos, screenshots and photos. We’re spoiled. We want visuals to help tell the story.

Keep generating great content and posting it to your social channels

Make sure you’re posting it to your Google Business Profile. Google’s making it really easy to put this page to work for you. Get your clients to post reviews. Add your blogs and photos.

Contact Top of Mind Marketing about your content needs that may include your blog, email, website or social media program. We’re writers, content developers and content strategists.

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AI marketing tools: They’re making our jobs easier. They’re writers, video creators and editors. Making us better writers. Helping us display data.