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Writesonic vs ChatGPT: A Look at the Best AI Writers

Writesonic vs ChatGPT: A Look at the Best AI Writer

Introduction to AI content writers

Artificial Intelligence (AI) content writers have emerged as powerful tools for generating high-quality, engaging content. In this article, we’re reviewing the leading AI writers–ChatGPT and Writesonic AI. We’ll look at their features, capabilities and limitations. This is a fiercely competitive industry that’s moving fast. It’s possible that the robust tool you love today could be losing its momentum in six months as new software hits the market.

AI content creation

AI content creation involves the use of machine learning algorithms to generate text that mimics human writing. These algorithms are trained on vast amounts of data, including books, articles, and other written materials. The result is an understanding of language patterns, grammar and style.

The evolution of AI writers: Basic algorithms to advanced models like ChatGPT and Writesonic

AI writers have come a long way in just a short time. Writesonic AI launched in 2020, and I began using it in 2022. The functionality has grown dramatically over the course of that year, but it really took off with their AI writing generator, Chatsonic, based on ChatGPT software.

Initially, basic algorithms were used to generate simple text. With advancements in natural language processing and deep learning, more sophisticated models like ChatGPT and Writesonic have emerged.

Benefits of AI content creation: Time, scalability and cost-effectiveness

A key benefit AI content creation is the significant amount of time saved. AI writers produce high-quality content in a matter of minutes, compared to the hours or days it takes a human writer to research and write an article. This time-saving aspect makes AI writers highly scalable, enabling individuals and businesses to generate large volumes of content quickly and efficiently. AI writing generators are cost-effective, as they eliminate the need for hiring and managing a team of writers.

Use cases of AI writers: Content creation, social media posts, email marketing, etc.

AI writers can be used across a digital content strategy–blog posts, articles and website landing pages. AI writing generators can create social media posts, engaging email marketing campaigns and product descriptions, reviews and product descriptions. The versatility of AI writers makes them valuable tools for businesses looking to streamline their content creation processes. AI writers  are especially adept at writing routine content such as product descriptions for a catalog or an ecommerce website.

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Exploring ChatGPT: Features, capabilities, limitations, etc.

Is ChatGPT the best content writer? It is known for its ability to engage in conversational text generation, making it ideal for chatbots, virtual assistants and other interactive applications. ChatGPT generates human-like responses and can hold meaningful conversations with users.

Unless you’re just emerged from Sleepy Hollow, you’ve heard of ChatGPT

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ChatGPT is a web-based chatbot created by OpenAI that was launched in November 2022 and gained immediate popularity. Its user-friendly interface works like any other traditional chatbot; you ask questions, it provides answers. No keying in keywords or coming up with a uber-strategic topic. It simply goes to work and within seconds comes up with the answer to your query. This was my oh-ha-ha moment; it’s when I began to understand the power and potential of AI tools.

Built on top of OpenAI’s family of large language models, ChatGPT has been trained on a vast database of information from the internet. It’s revolutionizing the way people create text-based content—things like essays, emails, blogs, articles, speeches, and even code. For both business and individuals, it’s become an important part of a digital content strategy.

AI writers like ChatGPT and Writesonic have proven to be powerful tools in content creation, offering time-saving, scalability, and cost-effectiveness. Their features, capabilities and limitations make them suitable for conversational text generation to persuasive marketing copy. While challenges and ethical considerations exist, AI writers are valuable assets that are enhancing the overall efficiency and effectiveness of businesses.

Features include:

  • ChatGPT-4 @ $20/month. It delivers more accurate responses than its predecessor
  •  AI-generated images
  •  Interface resembles that of a chatbot, making it easy to use
  • Performs data analysis
  • GPT-3.5 is still free, available in more than 50 languages
  • GPT-4 drastically increases the number of words that can be used in an input to 25,000.
  •  Open AI also promises that the software’s new version is more accurate. They’re calling the mistakes ‘hallucinations”.
  • ChatGPT historical usage data
  •  ChatGPT currently has 100+ million users, and the website sees nearly 1.5 billion visitors/month.
  •  The AI chatbot gained 1 million users in only 5 days. 
  • ChatGPT-4 can generate 25,000 words and can understand over 26 languages. 
  • A quarter of companies had saved roughly $50,000 to $70,000 using ChatGPT. 
  • 55.99% of ChatGPT users are male, while the AI chatbot has 44.01% female users. 
  • ChatGPT’s iOS app reached 5 million downloads in three weeks after its launch. 
  • An interesting stat: TikTok took nine months, and Instagram took two and a half years to reach 100 million users. It took ChatGPT two months.

Writesonic: Features, capabilities and limitations

Writesonic is a powerful AI article generator that has grown their product offerings dramatically in just a year. Writesonic writes sales copy, headlines and Facebook ads; it generates keywords and  social media posts. The level of product specificity is stunning.

Looking for the best AI content writer

I was looking for an AI writer a year or so ago, and I needed one that generated long-form content. At that time, believe it or not, there weren’t that many. Jasper was the number 1 ranked content writer, but it was not ranked for long-form content, so I went with Writesonic.

Writesonic has exploded

At least for now, AI content writers produce stiff and formal content; the vocabulary can be pretty ridiculous. Anyone reading this will know it’s been written by AI. AI content writers tend toward duplication and fluff, and it takes a lot of work to edit them, but I’ve learned to program the input screen so the resulting text is conversational and easy to read. Most important, I’ve eliminated the garbage text, which has significantly streamlined the editing process and is saving me so much time.

As the AI content creation industry evolves, we need to be learning along with it. Once I’ve edited the text, I add some examples, data and case studies or experiences from my own life. I just used Writesonic’s Brand Voice tool, where I am training Writesonic to adapt to my writing style.

It’s taken some time, and I’m not there yet, but this is all starting to work for me. There are other features that I don’t use or haven’t yet had the opportunity to explore—Writesonic apparently comes with more than 100 powerful features.

AI writers like ChatGPT and Writesonic have proven to be powerful tools in content creation, offering time-saving, scalability, and cost-effectiveness. Their features, capabilities and limitations make them suitable for conversational text generation to persuasive marketing copy. While challenges and ethical considerations exist, AI writers are valuable assets that are enhancing the overall efficiency and effectiveness of businesses.

Among those features:

  • Image Creators and Music
  • Content Generation in 25+ languages
  • Text to Audio in human-like voices
  • Voice Command Response
  • Keyword Generator
  • Ideation
  • Instant Article Generation
  • Content Rephraser
  • Plagiarism Detector

I tested the Instant Article feature in Writesonic. I asked it to write about “AI in 2024”—no keywords required. It came back with a 1K-word article that covered industry sectors and ethics—a very good start.

Writesonic adds an SEO tool

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Writesonic is comparable to Jasper or NeuronWriter or a host of other apps. Write in Writesonic or use MSWord or Google docs and drop your content into the SEO field. This tool responds by giving me an SEO score. It tells me where I can beef up my keywords to raise my score. It shows the keywords that my competitors are using so I can compete with them. This tool is an important addition to my digital content strategy.

Like any AI writer, Writesonic has its limitations. Human editing is crucial to ensure the final output meets expectations.

Tips for using AI content writers effectively: Put something of yourself into every article

To get the most out of AI content writers:

  • Optimizing the input by providing clear instructions and context can help AI content writers generate more accurate and relevant output.
  • Human editing is crucial to refine the generated content, ensuring it aligns with the desired tone, style, and context.
  • Finally, content customization is essential. Make sure this is coming from you. Engage and build your brand.

Challenges and ethical considerations in AI content creation

While AI writers offer significant benefits, there are also challenges and ethical considerations to be mindful of. AI-generated content may lack the originality and creativity that human writers bring to the table. Additionally, there are concerns about the potential misuse of AI writers, such as spreading misinformation or creating fake news. It is crucial to strike a balance between leveraging AI writers’ efficiency and ensuring human oversight to maintain quality and ethical standards.

The future of AI writers: Potential impact on AI content creation industry

With continuous advancements being made in the field of natural language processing and machine learning, the future of AI writers is nearly unlimited. As AI writers become more sophisticated and capable of understanding human context and intent, they have the potential to transform the writing industry.

While AI writers cannot replace human creativity and expertise, they complement human writers by automating repetitive tasks and providing valuable support in content creation.


  • AI writers like ChatGPT and Writesonic have proven to be powerful tools in content creation, offering time-saving, scalability, and cost-effectiveness.
  • Their features, capabilities and limitations make them suitable for conversational text generation to persuasive marketing copy.
  • While challenges and ethical considerations exist, AI writers are valuable assets that are enhancing the overall efficiency and effectiveness of businesses.

Contact Top of Mind Marketing. We’re writers and digital media specialists, 510.292.1843,


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AI Marketing Tools

AI marketing tools: They’re making our jobs easier. They’re writers, video creators and editors. Making us better writers. Helping us display data.